CfosSpeed 5.00.1560 [ Tăng tốc đường truyền Internet ]

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Phần mềm tăng tốc độ cho đường truyền Internet o:-)o:-)

What is cFosSpeed?

cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping.
Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping.
You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you already have an existing Internet connection.
cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, etc.
cFosSpeed has two goals
1. Keep network delays (ping times) small, in order to make Internet applications as responsive as possible.
2. Improve data throughput by avoiding network congestions.
You can use cFosSpeed with an Internet connection you use exclusively or which you share with several PCs.
System requirements:
* Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7, but also Windows 2000
* 32bit / 64bit (x64)
* existing Internet connection
Hướng dẫn sử dụng:
-Cài đặt CfosSpeed 5.00.1560 (Nếu chưa cài)
-Chạy file crack (Setup.exe,khi chạy không cần phải tắt cfos)


Cách tăng tốc độ download (Bonus)

; has only measurement pings, nothing more.  don't put any other traffic in 'highest'
class=highest -prio 100 -weight 400
; has only tcp ack's, nothing else.  usually it a good idea to put nothing else in here as well.
class=higher -prio 90 -weight 400 -speed 40%,0
; 'high' class gets all the prioritzed data
class=high -prio 80 -weight 400 -speed 40%,0
; 'low' gets FTP file and mail transfers
class=low -prio 0 -speed 25%,-10 -weight 25
; 'lowest' gets all P2P bulk data traffic (but not the ack's, they go to 'highest'!)
class=lowest -prio 0 -speed 25%,-30 -weight 6

; for a documentation of filter rules see

; --- firewall rules
; ppp protocols: only handle network-layer-protocols
filter=-fw -pppp 0x4000:0xffff -c default
; drop all non ip (or compressed) protocols
filter=-fw !-pppp 0x21,0x2d,0x2f,0x3d -c drop

; ethernet protocols: allow only ipv4 and arp
filter=-fw !-ethp 0x800,0x806 -c drop

; ip packets with len < 20, vsn != 4, ihl < 20, len < ethd_len, len > ihl, bad chksum,
; ping of death or malformed ip options are always dropped

;; drop all fragments?
;filter=-fw -fragment -c drop

; drop packets with source route ip option
filter=-fw -ip-opt 131,137 -c drop

;; drop packets with other ip protocols than specified?
;; this may inhibit some software from working, like NAT/VPN software (might need GRE,
;; AH or ESP) or ip mobility support (might need GRE), or ip multicasting (needs IGMP)
;filter=-fw !-p tcp,udp,icmp -c drop

;; drop packets to or from loopback address?  paranoia, should be superfluous
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
;filter=-fw -d -c drop

;; drop packets to or from reserved address?
;filter=-fw -wan -s -c drop
;filter=-fw -d -c drop

;; drop packets to or from broadcast address
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
;filter=-fw -wan -d -c drop

;; drop packets to or from multicast addresses?
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
;filter=-fw -d -c drop

; egress filtering
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, might break ip mobility support.
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx !-s-mynet -c drop
; don't check dest ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic to router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx -d-mynet -c drop

; ingress filtering, allow incoming multicast
filter=-fw !-bridged -rx !-d-mynet !-d -c drop
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic from router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -rx -s-mynet -c drop

; tcp packets with bad checksum or malformed options are dropped anyway
; drop outgoing tcp RST segments if they don't belong to a (maybe even half-open) session
filter=-fw -tx -tcp-flags RST RST -tcp-initiated rx !-tcp-session 2 !-tcp-session-dadr 3 -c drop

; drop tcp packets to potentially dangerous port numbers
filter=-fw -rx -tcp-dport 42,53,79,161:162,135,137:139,445,593 -c drop
filter=-fw -tx -tcp-dport 135,137:139,445 -c drop

;; drop all incoming tcp connection attempts?
;filter=-fw -rx -tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN -c drop

; drop udp packets to potentially dangerous port numbers
filter=-fw -rx -udp-dport 42,53,161:162,135,137:139,445 -c drop
filter=-fw -tx -udp-dport 135,137:139,445 -c drop

; allow dhcp for lan ports, but filter for wan ports
filter=-fw -wan -rx -dport 67:68 -c drop

; drop potentially dangerous icmp packets
filter=-fw -tx !-icmp-type 3/4,8/0,13/0,15/0 -c drop
filter=-fw -rx !-icmp-type 0/0,3,4/0,11,12,14/0,16/0 -c drop

; --- traffic shaping rules
filter=-highest -c highest
filter=-higher -c higher
filter=-high -c high
filter=-l7-prot @user.ini/higherprots -c higher
filter=-l7-prot @user.ini/highprots -c high
filter=-l7-prot @user.ini/normalprots -c default
filter=-l7-prot @user.ini/lowprots -c low
filter=-l7-prot @user.ini/lowestprots -c lowest
filter=-l7-prot @higherprots -c higher
filter=-l7-prot @highprots -c high
filter=-l7-prot @lowprots -c low
filter=-l7-prot @lowestprots -c lowest
filter=-prog @user.ini/higherprogs -c higher
filter=-prog @user.ini/highprogs -c high
filter=-prog @user.ini/lowprogs -c low
filter=-prog @user.ini/lowestprogs -c lowest
filter=-prog @higherprogs -c higher
filter=-prog @highprogs -c high
filter=-prog @lowprogs -c low
filter=-prog @lowestprogs -c lowest
filter=-low -c low

; voice over IP
ekiga.exe=Voice over IP, ekiga SIP voip software
eyebeam.exe=Voice over IP, Counterpath eyebeam
freecall.exe=Voice over IP, FreeCall
gizmo.exe=Voice over IP, Gizmo Project
googletalk.exe=Voice over IP, Google Talk
ipphone.exe=Voice over IP, 1&1 SoftPhone
phone.exe=Voice over IP, Web.de_Freephone
sipps.exe=Voice over IP, SIPPS or AOL Softphone
skype.exe=Voice over IP, Skype Internet Telephony
sparVoip.exe=Voice over IP, SparVoip
TeamSpeak.exe=Voice over IP, Teamspeak
ventrilo.exe=Voice over IP, Ventrilo
VoipBuster.exe=Voice over IP, VoipBuster
VoipCheap.exe=Voice over IP, VoipCheap
voipclient.exe=Voice over IP, iPhone
woize.exe=Voice over IP, WOIZE
X-Lite.exe=Voice over IP, X-Lite
X-PRO.exe=Voice over IP, X-Pro
Xfire.exe=Voice over IP, Xfire
YahooMessenger.exe=Voice over IP, yahoo messenger

; multimedia
foobar2000.exe=Multimedia, Foobar2000
gmplayer.exe=Multimedia,MPlayer GUI
hlsw.exe=Multimedia, HLSW
klipfolio.exe=Multimedia, Serence KlipFolio
lastfm.exe=Multimedia, Last FM - Online Radio
miranda32.exe=Multimedia, Miranda Instant Messenger
mirc.exe=Multimedia, mIRC chat
mplayer.exe=Multimedia, MPlayer
OnlineRadioTuner.exe=Multimedia, Online Radio Tuner
plmg.exe=Multimedia, Paragon Last Minute
Radio365_Dlg.exe=Multimedia, Radio365
RadiowebPlayer.exe=Multimedia, Radioweb Player
realplay.exe=Multimedia, RealPlayer
screamer.exe=Multimedia, Screamer Radio
trillian.exe=Multimedia, Trillian
tvprunner.exe=Multimedia, Joost
winamp.exe=Multimedia, Winamp
wmplayer.exe=Multimedia, Windows Media Player

; games
armyops.exe=Games, Americas Army
battlefront.exe=Games, Star Wars: Battlefield
bf1942.exe=Games, Battlefield 1942
bf2.exe=Games, Battlefield 2
bf2142.exe=Games, Battlefield 2142
bfvietnam.exe=Games, Battlefield Vietnam
CNC3.exe=Games, Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
cod2mp_s.exe=Games,Call of Duty 2
codmp.exe=Games, Call of Duty
coduomp.exe=Games, Call of Duty - United Offensive
cstrike.exe=Games, Counterstrike
czero.exee=Games, Counterstrike Condition Zero
dfbhd.exe=Games, Delta Force - Black Hawk down
doom3.exe=Games, Doom 3
DungeonRunners.exe=Games, Dungeon Runners
et.exe=Games, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
eve.exe=Games, EVE-online
everquest2.exe=Games, EverQuest II
F1 Challenge 99-02.exe=Games,F1 Challenge 99-02
farcry.exe=Games, Far Cry
fear.exe=Games, F.E.A.R.
fifa06.exe=Games, Fifa 06 (EA Sports)
freelancer.exe=Games, Freelancer
game.dll=Games,Dark Age of Camelot
game_y.exe=Games, Volamtruyenky
GTR.exe=Games, GTR
GW.exe=Games, Guild Wars
hl.exe=Games, Half-Life
hl2.exe=Games, Counter-Strike: Source / Halflife 2
knightonline.exe=Games, Knight Online
l2.exe=Games,Lineage 2
lfs.exe=Games, Live for Speed
lithtech.exe=Games, Aliens versus Predator 2
lotroclient.exe=Games, Herr der Ringe Online
maplestory.exe=Games,MapleStory SEA
mc2.exe=Games,Midnight Club 2
moh_spearhead.exe=Games, Medal of Honor: Spearhead
moh_spearhead.exe=Games, Medal of Honor: Spearhead
mohaa.exe=Games, Medal of Honor
mohpa.exe=Games, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
operationflashpoint.exe=Games, Operation Flashpoint
pes4.exe=Games, Pro Evolution Soccer 4
pes5.exe=Games, Pro Evolution Soccer 5
pes6.exe=Games, Pro Evolution Soccer 6
quake3.exe=Games, Quake 3
Ragexe.exe=Games,Ragnarok Online
sh3.exe=Games, Silent Hunter 3
silkroad.exe=Games, Silkroad Online
sof2mp.exe=Games,Soldier of Fortune2 - Double Helix
spacecowboys.atm=Games, SpaceCowboys
speed.exe=Games, Need for Speed - Most Wanted
starcraft.exe=Games, StarCraft - Broodwar
steam.exe=Games, Steam
stronghold2.exe=Games,Stronghold 2
tacticalops.exe=Games, Tactical Ops
unrealtournament.exe=Games, Unreal Tournament
UT2003.exe=Games, Unreal Tournament 2003
ut2004.exe=Games, Unreal Tournament 2004
vietcong.exe=Games, Vietcong
war3.exe=Games, Warcraft III
wolfmp.exe=Games, Return to Castle Wolfenstein
wow.exe=Games, World of Warcraft
ygb.exe=Games, Yulgangbot

; other
anonproxy.exe=Other, Anonymizer
boinc.exe=Other, Boinc
eye.exe=Other, Yahoo! All-Seeing-Eye
googleearth.exe=Other, Google Earth
hamachi.exe=Other, Hamachi
icqlite.exe=Misc, ICQLite
leechget.exe=Misc, LeechGet
msfeedssync.exe=Misc, Microsoft Feeds Synchronization
mstsc.exe=Misc, Microsoft Terminal Services Client
vncviewer.exe=Misc, Ultra VNC Viewer
wfica32.exe=Misc, Citrix-Client


abc.exe=File Sharing, ABC (Bittorent)
ares.exe=File Sharing, ares
azureus.exe=File Sharing, Azureus
Bearshare.exe=File Sharing, Bearshare
bitcomet.exe=File Sharing, Bitcomet
BitLord.exe=File Sharing, BitLord
bitspirit.exe=File Sharing, Bitspirit
btdownloadgui.exe=File Sharing, Bittorrent
dcplusplus.exe=File Sharing, Direct Connect ++
edonkey2000.exe=File Sharing, Edonkey2000
emule.exe=File Sharing, eMule
Flashget.exe=File Sharing, FlashGet Download Manager
g3torrent.exe=File Sharing, G3torrent
kazaa.exe=File Sharing, Kazaa
kazaaLite.kpp=File Sharing, Kazaa Lite K++
MoorHunt.exe=File Sharing, MoorHunt
newsLeecher.exe=File Sharing, NewsLeecher
Overnet.exe=File Sharing, Overnet
P2P Networking.exe=File Sharing, Kazaa
rufus.exe=File Sharing, Rufus
share.exe=File Sharing,Share EX2
shareaza.exe=File Sharing, Shareaza
slsk.exe=File Sharing, Soulseek
StrongDC.exe=File Sharing, StrongDC++
UseNeXT.exe=File Sharing, Usenext
utorrent.exe=File Sharing, uTorrent
winmx.exe=File Sharing, WinMX
xan torrent.exe=File Sharing, Xan Torrent

DNS_C=special, DNS Client
DNS_S=special, DNS Server
FTPCMD_C=clients, FTP Command
HSTREAM_C=multimedia, HTTP Streaming Client / Media Players
HTTP_C=clients, HTTP
IMAP4_C=clients, IMAP4
IRC_C=clients, IRC Chat
NNTP_C=clients, NNTP, Network News
NTP=special, NTP, Network Time Protocol
POP3_C=clients, POP3, Inbound Mail
RTP=multimedia, RTP Voice over IP (VoIP)
RTSP_C=multimedia, RTSP Streaming Client / Media Players
SIP_C=clients, SIP, Internet Telephony
SIP_S=servers, SIP, Internet Telephony
SSH=special, SSH, Secure Shell
SSL_C=special, SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0 & TLS 1.0 (e.g. HTTPS, POP3S, IMAP4S, NNTPS, FTPS)
TELNET=special, Telnet

FTPCMD_S=servers, FTP Command
HSTREAM_S=multimedia, HTTP Streaming Server
IRC_S=servers, IRC Server
KADEMLIA=p2p, Kademlia
RPC=special, Remote Procedure Call
RTSP_S=multimedia, RTSP Streaming Server
SMTP_C=clients, SMTP, Outbound Mail

SSH_BULK=special, SSH, Secure Shell bulk data
FTPDATA=special, FTP Data
HTTP_S=servers, HTTP Server
IMAP4_S=servers, IMAP4 Server
NNTP_S=servers, NNTP News Server
POP3_S=servers, POP3, Inbound Mail
SMTP_S=servers, SMTP Mail Server
SSL_S=special, SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0 & TLS 1.0, Secure Socket Layer
SSL_S_BULK=special, SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0 & TLS 1.0, Secure Socket Layer bulk data
SSL_C_BULK=special, SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0 & TLS 1.0 (e.g. HTTPS, POP3S, IMAP4S, NNTPS, FTPS) bulk data

DIRECTCONNECT=p2p, Direct Connect
E2K=p2p, eDonkey 2000 (eMule, etc.)
FASTTRACK=p2p, Kazaa, Morpheus, iMesh, Grokster, etc.
GNUTELLA=p2p, Gnutella & Gnutella2
TORRENT=p2p, Bittorrent

acrord32.exe=desc, Acrobat Reader
alg.exe=desc, Windows Application Layer Gateway Service
conf.exe=desc, Netmeeting
devenv.exe=desc, Visual Studio
firefox.exe=desc, Firefox Webbrowser
iexplore.exe=desc, Internet Explorer
msimn.exe=desc, Outlook Express
procexp.exe=desc, Process Explorer
routed=desc, Routed Traffic
svchost.exe=desc, Windows Generic Host Process
thebat.exe=desc, The Bat
totalcmd.exe=desc, Total Commander
vmware.exe=desc, VMWare
winamp.exe=desc, Winamp
windbg.exe=desc, WinDbg
Hướng dẫn cách tăng tốc độ download

vào C:\Programfile\cFosSpeed\ tìm file settings.ini rồi paste vào,sau đó save lại là được
Cách Config tiếng Việt

Download file trên rồi bỏ thẳng vào thư mục cài cFos.Chạy trương trình rồi chọn theo đường dẫn
Options / Select Language / Vietnamese
*Bạn nào thấy có ích thì bố trí Thanks cho mình với :em06::em06::em06:
*Ai có thể up lên host khác ngoài MediaFire thì up hộ mình nhé :D

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