Giả lập NES với FCE Ultra GX 3.2.5

Cửa hàng game Nintendo nShop

FCE Ultra GX 3.0.3 là chương trình giả lập hệ máy game 4 nút của Nintendo (NES) trên Wii

Bản homebrew Channel:

Download: Nintendo Vietnam - FCE Ultra GX 3.2.5

  3.2.5 - March 23, 2011

    * Fixed browser regressions with stability and speed 

3.2.4 - March 19, 2011

    * Updated to core to latest FCEUX
    * Support for Famicom 3D System games (thanks Carl Kenner!)
    * Improved USB and controller compatibility (recompiled with latest libogc)
    * Enabled SMB on GameCube (thanks Extrems!)
    * Added Catalan translation
    * Translation updates


Nấm bình thường
Được, phải có đĩa Zelda: Twillight Princess gốc, xong cài chương trình này thông qua Twillight hack và chơi thôi.


Nấm bình thường
đã kiểm tra, link vẫn đang chạy tốt. Có điều lỡ test rồi nên thôi mirror thêm 2 link RS và MU nữa.


Super Baby Mario
Thành viên BQT
Update bản 2.0.5: Ultra GX

2.0.5 - October 19, 2008

* Sound bug fixed - thanks eke-eke!
* High quality sound enabled, lowpass filter enabled
* Video threading enabled
* Fixed timing error (incorrect opcode)

2.0.4 - October 15, 2008

* Wii DVD fixed
* FDS BIOS loading works now
* FDS disk switching now consistently works with one button press
* FDS saving implemented
* 7z support
* Faster SD/USB (readahead cache enabled)
* VS coin now mapped to 1 button for VS zapper games
* Changed GC controller mappings - Select - Z, Start - Start, Home - Start+A, Special - L


Nấm bình thường
mèn, mấy hôm nay cái quỷ này nó ra bản mới liên tục vậy... Bữa sau qua inject vô channel lại nữa, mất công ghê :|


Super Baby Mario
Thành viên BQT
Phiên bản 2.0.7:

* Special thanks to eke-eke & KruLLo for contributions, bugfixes, and tips
* Video code rewritten - now has original, unfiltered, filtered modes
* Zoom option
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Full widescreen support
* SDHC support
* SD/USB hot-swapping
* A/B rapid-fire
* Turbo option
* Video cropping (overscan hiding) option (thanks yxkalle!)
* Palette changing fixed
* Fixed audio 'popping' issue
* Wii - Added console/remote power button support
* Wii - Added reset button support (resets game)
* Wii - Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same folder as the DOL (eg: apps/fceugx/settings.xml)
* GameCube - Added DVD motor off option


Super Baby Mario
Thành viên BQT
Phiên bản 2.0.8

* Fixed unstable SD card access
* Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
* Auto-update feature (Wii only)
* Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
* Improved file access code
* Resetting preferences now resets controls
* Overscan (cropping) setting now saved in preferences
* Rewritten RAM/state saving - old state saves are now invalid
* Minor bug fixes


Super Baby Mario
Thành viên BQT
update new version!

* Fixed a major memory corruption bug in FCE Ultra 0.98.12
* Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
* Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
* Changed GameCube controller back to menu from A+Start to A+B+Z+Start
* Add option for horizontal-only video cropping
* Decreased minimum game size to 8 KB
* Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
* Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
* Code cleanup, other general bugfixes


Super Baby Mario
Thành viên BQT
phiên bản 3.0.0 thay đổi lớn về giao diện cũng như lõi bên trong:

    *  New GX-based menu, with a completely redesigned layout. Has Wiimote IR support, sounds, graphics, animation effects, and more
    * Thanks to the3seashells for designing some top-notch artwork, to Peter de Man for composing the music, and a special thanks to shagkur for fixing libogc bugs that would have otherwise prevented the release
    * Onscreen keyboard for changing save/load folders and network settings
    * Menu configuration options (configurable exit button, Wiimote orientation, volumes)
    * Configurable button mapping for zapper
    * New save manager, allowing multiple saves and save browsing. Shows screenshots for Snapshot saves, and save dates/times
    * SMB reconnection feature
    * ISI issue fixed


Super Baby Mario
Thành viên BQT
phiên bản 3.0.1

       *  GameCube controller home trigger fixed
    * USB support fixed
    * More stable SMB support
    * Corrections/improvements to game saving/loading
    * Video mode corrections
    * Settings are now saved when exiting game menu settings area
    * 8 sprite limit and Zapper crosshair can now be turned off from the menu
    * New video mode selection in menu (forcing a video mode is not recommended)


Nấm nhỏ
Phiên bản 3.0.5
3.0.5 - June 30, 2009
* Fixed auto-update
* Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size
* Added text scrolling on file browser
* Added reset button for controller mappings
* Settings are now loaded from USB when loading the app from USB on HBC
* Fixed original mode lockup bug
* Fixed menu crashes caused by ogg player bugs
* Fixed memory card saving verification bug
* Fixed game savebrowser bugs
* Miscellaneous code cleanup/corrections


Nấm nhỏ
update 3.0.6
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player support
* Zapper support
* RAM / State saving support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
* Sound Filters
* Graphics Filters (GX Chipset, Cheesy and 2x)


Nấm nhỏ
update 3.0,7:
3.0.7 - July 24, 2009
* Core upgraded to FCEUX 2.1.0a - improved game compatibility
* State issues fixed - old state files are now invalid!
* Cheat support (.CHT files)
* IPS/UPS/PPF automatic patching support
* Fixed "No game saves found." message when there are actually saves.
* Fixed shift key on keyboard
* Text scrolling works again
* Change default prompt window selection to "Cancel" button


Nấm nhỏ
Phiên bản 3.0.8 đã ra:
3.0.8 - July 31, 2009
* Fixed menu crash
* Fixed turbo mode - reduced to frameskip of 1
* Fixed .CHT file support
* Added Game Genie support - required GG rom placed at /fceugx/gg.rom
* FDS BIOS location changed to /fceugx/disksys.rom
* DVD file limit of 2000 removed
Bản nì có support Game Genie. Đóa là cái zi vậy mọi người :D

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